Showing posts with label Womens Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Womens Health. Show all posts

Diet Control & Weight Loss Tips by Online Doctor!

Get tips for healthy weight loss and control, learn about the no-diet approach to losing weight, Focus instead on improving your health, and you will become slim and healthy. Related Tutorial Topic Selecting a Diet Plan. Controlling your diet may be a challenge, but it is a challenge that you should take. According to Help Guide, Diabetes diet guide includes tips on how to manage blood glucose levels, the most beneficial foods for diabetics, the Diabetes Food Pyramid,

Get Blood Sugar Range For Children!

While talking about children blood sugar level, I understand that you might be anxious to know what figures you and your child have to achieve. The good range of blood sugar is approximately 70 to 150 mg/dl (milligrams of glucose per deciliter of blood). Diabetes has one big advantage over other diseases: you can always tell how well your child is doing.

Using Insulin to Manage or Control Your Blood Sugar!

Understanding how insulin affects your blood sugar can help you better manage your condition. Information on insulin, types, prescription, delivery, side effects, insulin pumps, over dosage, lancets and lancing for diabetics. Defines insulin resistance and pre-diabetes and describes how they are diagnosed. The Russian trial showed the therapy safely reduced the need of type 1 diabetics for injected insulin, a hormone involved in cells' use of glucose.

Get Cancer Treatment Information From American Cancer Lab!

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Systemic Treatment for Breast Cancer at Fox Chase Cancer Center!

Fox Chase's medical oncologists offer a full range of systemic therapy treatments for breast cancer patients. Memorial Sloan-Kettering is a leading center for the development of innovative systemic therapies for breast cancer. Response to Neoadjuvant Systemic Therapy for Breast Cancer in BRCA Mutation Carriers and Noncarriers. Any combination of systemic treatments may be used to treat breast cancer. Systemic treatments include chemotherapy, Although metastatic breast cancer is unlikely to be cured, meaningful improvements in survival have been seen,

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Whiteheads are not like other pimples. There are some important facts you should know before trying to remove whiteheads. Comedones that stay closed at the surface of the skin are called whiteheads. This happens when oil and skin cells prevent a clogged hair follicle from opening. Many of the same over-the-counter medicines that treat blackheads are also effective against whiteheads. Whiteheads are tiny and white raised spots and are caused by the accumulation of hardened sebum or oil in the pores of the skin.

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Get tips for healthy weight loss and control, learn about the no-diet approach to losing weight, and find out why the best dieting plans. Weight loss, in the context of medicine, health or physical fitness, is a reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean loss of fluid, How to lose weight the healthy way. Find information on BMI, diet, exercise, body shape and how your GP can help.

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What is contraception?

Contraception means preventing pregnancy, also called birth control. Most people know about options such as birth control pills and condoms. However, there are also other options. If you're thinking about birth control, talk with your family doctor. Your choice will depend on your health, your desire for protection against disease and your personal beliefs and preferences. As always, when looking at birth control, keep in mind that any method only works if you use it consistently and correctly.

How do I know if I have an sexual dysfunction problem?

Up to 70% of couples have a problem with sex at some time in their relationships. Most women will have sex that doesn't feel good at some point in her life. This doesn't necessarily mean you have a sexual problem.

If you don't want to have sex or it never feels good, you might have a sexual problem. Discuss your concerns with your doctor. Remember that anything you tell your doctor is private and that your doctor can help you find a reason and possible treatment for your sexual dysfunction.

What causes sexual dysfunction?

Many things can cause problems in your sex life. Certain medicines (such as oral contraceptives and chemotherapy drugs), diseases (such as diabetes or high blood pressure), excessive alcohol use or vaginal infections can cause sexual problems. Depression, relationship problems or abuse (current or past abuse) can also cause sexual dysfunction.

You may have less sexual desire during pregnancy, right after childbirth or when you are breastfeeding. After menopause many women feel less sexual desire, have vaginal dryness or have pain during sex due to a decrease in estrogen (a hormone in the body).

The stresses of everyday life can also affect your ability to have sex. Being tired from a busy job or caring for young children may affect your sexual desire. You may also be bored by a long-standing sexual routine.

What is sexual dysfunction?

When you have problems with sex, doctors call it "sexual dysfunction." Both men and women can have it. There are 4 kinds of sexual problems in women.
  • Desire disorders ­- When you are not interested in having sex or have less desire for sex than you used to.
  • Arousal disorders ­- When you don't feel a sexual response in your body or you cannot stay sexually aroused.
  • Orgasmic disorders ­- When you can't have an orgasm or you have pain during orgasm.
  • Sexual pain disorders ­- When you have pain during or after sex.

Are women at risk?

Women are at risk for heart disease and heart attacks, just like men. In fact:

  • * Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women over 65 years of age.
  • * American women are 4 to 6 times more likely to die of heart disease than of breast cancer.
  • * Heart disease kills more women over 65 years of age than all cancers combined.

Women develop heart problems later in life than men -- typically 7 or 8 years later. However, by about age 65, a woman's risk is almost the same as a man's. Also, the rates of heart attack over the last 20 years have been increasing for women 35 to 54 years of age. It makes sense for women to pay attention to their heart health.

What tests may I need before I get pregnant?

You may need some tests to find out if you have problems that could harm you or your baby during pregnancy. Many things can be treated before pregnancy to help prevent problems for you and your baby.

Rubella. If you don't know whether you've ever had rubella (also called the German measles) or been vaccinated against it, a blood test can give the answer. Catching rubella while you're pregnant can be very harmful for your baby. You can be vaccinated against rubella before you get pregnant.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs). STIs such as gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia and AIDS can make it hard for you to get pregnant and can also harm you or your baby. It is best if these diseases are diagnosed and treated before pregnancy.

Other problems. Your doctor may also want to perform some other tests depending on your risk for other problems (such as anemia or hepatitis).

Am I around things at work or at home that could be harmful?

There are certain materials that a woman who is pregnant should avoid. Some dangers include radiation, heavy metals like lead, copper and mercury, carbon disulfide, acids and anesthetic gases. The radiation from computer screens doesn't seem to be harmful.

Talk with your doctor about your workplace and home environments to find out if there are any dangers. If anything could harm your baby at work, you may be able to use special clothing or equipment to protect your baby, or you may be able to get a short-term transfer before and during pregnancy.

Do I need to change my habits?

Using tobacco, alcohol or drugs can seriously harm your baby and can even cause a miscarriage. If you use tobacco, alcohol or drugs, get help from your doctor to quit.

Smoking: Smoking can cause miscarriage, bleeding, premature birth and low birth weight. It's also linked to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), in which infants suddenly die of no obvious cause. Children of smokers may also do less well on IQ tests and their physical growth may be slower.

Alcohol: Drinking during pregnancy can cause fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). FAS can lead to many birth defects, including mental problems, slow growth, defects of the face and a head that is too small. Doctors do not know how much alcohol it takes to cause FAS, so it is important to avoid alcohol completely during your pregnancy.

Illegal drugs: Using marijuana, cocaine and other illegal drugs increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth and birth defects. With some drugs, the child will be born addicted to the drug that the mother abused and will go through withdrawal.

When should I talk with my doctor about pregnancy?

You can talk with your doctor about pregnancy at any time, even before you're thinking about getting pregnant. You can talk about your diet, habits, lifestyle and any concerns you have. Plan on visiting your doctor within a year before you want to get pregnant. At that time, you may be given a physical check-up. You and the father-to-be will probably be asked about your medical history. You'll also both have the chance to ask your doctor questions.

Why is being ready for pregnancy so important?

Conception occurs about 2 weeks before your period is due. That means you may not even know you're pregnant until you're more than 3 weeks pregnant. Yet your baby is most sensitive to harm 2 to 8 weeks after conception. This is when your baby's organs (such as the heart) begin to form. Anything you eat, drink, smoke or are exposed to can affect your baby. That's why it's best to start acting as if you're pregnant before you actually are.

What can you do endometriosis?

What exactly is endometriosis? How does it affect a woman's fertility? What can you do about it if you are diagnosed with this condition?

Endiometriosis is a condition where the lining of the uterus forms on the outside of the uterus rather than inside. The medical term for this lining is the endometrium and this disorder is known as endometriosis. Endometriosis and fertility are closely linked because of the effect this disorder can have on the uterus.

Many women end up seeing their doctor numerous times before they are finally referred to a hospital consultant. Dr Overton suggests keeping a diary, so you can recognise patterns, and write down how many painkillers you take each month.

If you're referred to a hospital consultant, you will be given laparoscopy to check the inside of your pelvis. You may also be given an ultrasound scan.

Endometriosis can be treated in a number of different ways, depending on the grade of endometriosis you have.

Treatments include the following.

Combined pill: this can be effective in controlling symptoms. Some women come off the Pill and find their symptoms become worse. This is because the Pill had been treating the symptoms.

Hormone coil: this can be very good, especially if the symptoms are particularly heavy periods. The coil lasts five years before it needs to be replaced.

Laparoscopy surgery: this can help to remove cysts and adhesions using laser procedures.

Hysterectomy: this is a final option for women who decide their quality of life is being too severely affected. Endometriosis typically stops with the menopause, and a hysterectomy brings this on early.
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